Friday, April 27, 2018

Transfer Pricing

The IRS dedicates enormous resources toward dealing with taxpayer’s who are involved with any form of transfer pricing. The transfer pricing provisions of IRC 482 address four general types of transactions between commonly owned or controlled parties.
1-     Use or transfer of tangible property
2-     Services
3-     Loans
4-     Use or transfer of intangible property  (especially cost sharing agreements)

Use of tangible property: When one member of a controlled group rents or leases property to another member of the group, the price paid for use of such property must equal an arm’s length amount. Per Treas. Reg. 1.482-2(c )(2)(i), the arm’s length amount is determined by reference to the amount that would have been charged between independent parties for use of the same or similar property under similar circumstances. 

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